Pdf gravitational form factors and nucleon spin structure

Pdf gravitational form factors and nucleon spin structure
Spin Structure of the Nucleon G. K. Mallot CERN/PH 33 rd Meeing of the PAC JINR, Dubna, June 21, 2010 G. Mallot JINR, Dubna, June 21, 2010
Recent fits to nucleon form factor data show that the nucleon core has a Gaussian charge density distribution and peripheral periodicity of declining amplitude whose wavelength approximates the particle’s Compton wavelength.
We calculate the stress tensor, or energy-momentum tensor, form factors of the pion and of axial vector mesons in the chiral limit of a hard wall AdS/CFT model of QCD.
quark spin in the nucleon rest frame or in the quark model. B.-Q. Ma, J.Phys. G 17 (1991) L53 B.-Q. Ma, Q.-R. Zhang, Z.Phys.C 58 (1993) 479-482. Quark spin sum is not a Lorentz invariant quantity Thus the quark spin sum equals to the proton in the rest frame does not mean that it equals to the proton spin in the infinite momentum frame in the rest frame does not mean that in the infinite
1st QCD Spin Summer School, BNL, June 2004 Nucleon (Spin) Structure from the Lattice Tom Blum University of Connecticut and RIKEN BNL Research Center
Outline 1. Nucleon structure 2. Energy-momentum tensor 3. Mass decompositions 4. 3D distributions in Breit frame 5. Comparison with neutron stars 6.
Predicting Proton Axial Form Factors with a Quark-Diquark Model Trevor M. Oxholm December 3, 2016 Abstract A quark-diquark model is used to predict the nucleon Axial Form Factor more accurately
one has to study nucleon gravitational form factors. These functions, which arise in the nucleon These functions, which arise in the nucleon 1 For a gauge particle the decomposition of its angular momentum into its spin and orbital components is
The electromagnetic form factor (left) and quark part of the spin-2 gravitational form factor (right) in SQM (solid line) and NJL model (dashed line) compared to the lattice data from [Brömmel 2005/7].
q ≡ (ω,”q ) e e” k k” θ e N N” p” p Figure 1.2: The scattering diagram in the lab frame for a one-photon exchange reaction. θe is the electron scattering angle and q2 is the 4-momentum transferred to the nucleon.
The partition of nucleon spin between total angular momenta of quarks and gluons is described by the energy momentum tensor formfactors manifested also in the nucleon scattering by weak classical
Parity-Violating Electron Scattering and Nucleon Structure 3 1 INTRODUCTION The study of the parity-nonconserving force between electrons and quarks has
and thus are intimately related to its internal structure; these form factors are among the most basic observables of the nucleon. The Fourier transform of EFFs gives the charge and magnetization distributions of nucleon respec-tively. One can obtain the Dirac, F1(Q2) and Pauli, F2(Q2) form factors from the rst moment of spin non-ip H(x;Q2) and spin ip E(x;Q2) GPDs [21]. Gravity plays a major
Nucleon Elastic Form Factors … Fundamental quantities Defined in context of singleDefined in context of single-photon exchangephoton exchange
A spin-1 system (deuteron, ˆ) has ve vector GPDs. This increase in the number of GPDs is analogous to the increasing number of form factors, or of DIS structure functions, as spin increases.

(PDF) Gravitational Form Factors of Vector Mesons in an
The deuteron structure and form factors Jefferson Lab
Parity-Violating Electron Scattering and Nucleon Structure
Fundamental Structure of Matter and Strong Interaction Jian-ping Chen (陈剑平), Jefferson Lab, Virginia, USA Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, November, 2011
Generalized Parton Distributions and Gravitational Form Factors in Light cone model Narinder Kumar and Harleen Dahiya Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar Dubna International Advanced School of Theoretical Physics Helmholtz International Summer School August 26, 2014 N Kumar and H Dahiya (Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar …
– Form Factors (Q2) => Consolidation and Exploration at higher Q2 – Nucleon radius (from Q 2 0) => High Precision, but also need of Consolidation in lab.
DOI 10.1140/epja/i2015-15079-x Review Eur. Phys. J. A (2015) 51:79 THE EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A The structure of the nucleon: Elastic electromagnetic form factors
form factors, F1(q2) and F2(q2), are the analogs of F(q2) in the discussion above, and F 1 (0) = F 2 (0) = 1. If the proton were a pointlike Dirac particle like the
Front. Phys. 11(5), 111207 (2016) DOI 10.1007/s11467-016-0573-6 REVIEW ARTICLE Gravitational form factors and nucleon spin structure O. V. Teryaev
Generalized parton distributions of the deuteron in a
1.1 Weak Form Factors and the Role of Strange Quarks The formalism of the electroweak interaction between electrons and quarks can be found in many textbooks and several recent reviews of parity violating electron scattering [3, 4, 5, 6].
Chiral structure of nucleon gravitational form factors A.V. Belitsky, X. Ji Department of Physics University of Maryland at College Park College Park, MD 20742-4111, USA Abstract We study the low momentum behavior of nucleon gravitational form factors in the framework of the heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory. At zero recoil they determine the momentum and spin apportion between nucleon
Takahiro Sawada, Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan on behalf of the COMPASS Collaboration Study of nucleon spin structure at COMPASS-II
Form Factors and Structure Functions Yury Kolomensky Physics 226, Fall 2010. Phys226 YGK, Hadronic Structure Running of Coupling Constants Generic property of any field theory: higher order corrections (loops) induce momentum (distance) dependence of coupling constants. This is known as an effect of “vacuum polarization” The magnitude and the direction of the change depends on the type of
C Nucleon electromagnetic form factors 67 1 A historical introduction Diplon, deuton, deuteron: under di erent names, the nucleus of deuterium, or diplogen, has been the subject of intense studies since its discovery in 1932. As the only two-nucleon bound state, its properties have continuously been viewed as important in nuclear theory as the hydrogen atom is in atomic theory. 1. Yet
Analysis of Nucleon Electromagnetic Form Factors from
Measurement of the Nucleon Form-Factors Kent Paschke University of Virginia More (Thursday, session D): • B. Wojtsekhowski, Nucleon Form Factors
We confirm the obtained mass values from an analysis of the pion and nucleon spin‐0 gravitational form factors, recently measured on the lattice. We find that a simple two‐state model suggests a meson nature of f 0 (600), and a glueball nature of f 0 (980), which naturally explains the ratios of various coupling constants.
B. Badelek (Warsaw ) Nucleon Spin Structure INPC 2010 4 / 33 Partonic structure of the nucleon; distribution functions Three twist-twoquark distributions in QCD (after integrating over the quark intrinsic k t )
Spin structure functions of the nucleon have been measured for three decades, beginning with the experiments at SLAC [1] and the discovery of the famous “spin puzzle” by the EMC [2]. Several experiments at SLAC, CERN and HERA followed, with the main goal to access
Resonancecontributions to nucleon structure functions are calculated. The The resulting expressionsare used to investigate quark–hadron duality in electron–nucleonscattering by
Gravitational form factors are the matrix elements of the Belinfante energy momentum tensor (EMT) which naturally incorporate the hadron structure and the equivalence principle.
At zero recoil they determine the momentum and spin apportion between nucleon constituents. Our result provides an insight into the response of the nucleon’s pion cloud to an external weak gravitational field and establishes a theoretical framework for extrapolation of experimental and lattice data on the nucleon form factors to zero momentum transfer. We also discuss form factors
Gravitational Form Factors The most general structure of stress tensor matrix ele- ment for spin- 21 particles can be written in terms of three form factors FIG. 3: The red dashed line is the gravitational form factor p2 , s2 T µν (0) p1 , s1 = u(p2 , s2 ) A(Q)γ (µ pν) (67) from the soft-wall model, while the solid blue line is the corre- sponding form factor from the integral of a GPD
C. Alexandrou (Univ. of Cyprus & Cyprus Inst.) Nucleon axial form factors and structure Durham, April 20th, 2017 4 / 25 Questions we would like to address With simulations at the physical value of the pion mass there is a number of interesting questions we want to
Predicting Proton Axial Form Factors with a Quark-Diquark
Abstract. Nucleon scattering by the classical gravitational field is described by the gravitational (energymomentum tensor) form factors (GFFs), which also control the partition of nucleon spin between the total angular momenta of quarks and gluons.
INT Program INT-18-3 Week 1: GPDs, 1–5 October 2018, Seattle, WA “Probing Nucleons and Nuclei in High Energy Collisions” Form factors of the energy-momentum tensor
Physics Program at Jefferson Lab and a Future Electron-Ion Collider J. P. Chen, Jefferson Lab, Virginia, USA BCVSPIN, Hue, Vietnam, July 26, 2011 Introduction JLab 6 GeV Facility and 12 GeV Upgrade A Future Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) Highlights of JLab 6 GeV Results and 12 GeV Program Form Factors, Spin Structure Transverse Momentum Dependent Structure (TMDs) Generalized …
calculations of nucleon form factors will certainly use these new light-quark methods and hopefully get much closer to the physical quark masses. There is also an extensive amount of theoretical work on the general problem of “chiral extrapolation”, i.e. understanding from a chiral
I. INTRODUCTION The space-like electromagnetic form factors of the proton and neutron obtained in electron-nucleon elastic scattering are key measures of the fundamental structure of hadrons.
3D structure of hadrons by generalized distribution amplitudes and gravitational form factors S. Kumano∗a,b, Qin-Tao Songa, Understanding of three-dimensional (3D) structure functions for the nucleon is one of hot topics in hadron physics. One of the major purposes of their studies is to understand the origin of nucleon spin including partonic orbital-angular-momentum contributions
Nucleon mass and spin: What’s the issue? Durr, et al. (2009) What’s mysterious about proton mass? Lattice QCD can explain it. Proton has spin ½ because it’s a fermion. – real world example of companies using spin doctrine TRANSVERSE SPIN STRUCTURE OF BARYONS USING LATTICE QCD Jacob Bickerton Collaborators: James Zanotti, Ross Young QCD Down Under 2017 1. CONTENT • Motivation • Spin Density • Solving Three-point functions • Form Factors • Flavour Symmetry Breaking Expansion 2. MOTIVATION • To look at the internal structure of baryons and view the positional density of the quarks depending on the spin
Probing the Internal Structure of the Proton The protons and neutrons are the basic building blocks of atomic nuclei. The internal structure of the nucleons determines their fundamental properties, which in turn directly affect the properties of the nuclei. Understanding how the nucleon is built in terms of underlying quark and gluon degrees of freedom is one of most important and challenging
We study the low momentum behavior of nucleon gravitational form factors in the framework of the heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory. At zero recoil they determine the momentum and spin apportion between nucleon constituents.
of nucleon form factors, low moments of nucleon structure functions and low moments of generalized parton distributions, including flavor and spin dependence” Tuesday, April 29, 2014. Nucleon Structure on a Lattice Large-Scale Computing(NP) Apr 29-30, 2014 Sergey N. Syritsyn Nucleon Structure on a Lattice Project • Gauge field configurations are generated elsewhere (normally BG/Qs), gauge
this reason, form factors based on the Skyrme-type potentials are larger in the surface and exterior regions (where p z 0) than, for example, the form factors of Ian0 and Pinkston, as shown in table 1 …
Spin Structure of Nucleon and Equivalence Principle O.V. Teryaev1 1. Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, JINR, 141980 Dubna, Moscow region, Russia Abstract The partition of nucleon spin between total angular momenta of quarks and gluons is described by the energy momentum tensor form-factors manifested also in the nucleon scattering by weak classical gravitational field. Natural
Introduction • Electromagnetic Form Factors contain structure information on the many-body system of quarks and gluons of the nucleon. • When obtained from experiment, they are
Spin Structure of the Nucleon. Operated by Jefferson Science Associates for the U.S. Department of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 2 Outline • JLab today and future • Elastic Form Factors • Parton Distribution Functions • GPDs • Strangeness in the Nucleon • New Standard Model Test. Operated by Jefferson Science Associates for the U.S. Department of Energy
Page 3 The Issues • What lies at the heart of nuclear structure? • Start from a QCD-inspired model of hadron structure • Ask how that structure is modified in-medium
09:30–10:15 Nucleon spin structure: Highlights and Workshop goals Marc Vanderhaeghen . 10:15–11:00 Overview of new measurements of electromagnetic form factors, polarizabilities Sebastian Kuhn . and spin structure function functions . 11:00–11:30 . Coffee break. 11:30–12:15 Proton spin structure in the hyperfine splitting of muonic H Carl Carlson
EM Nucleon Form Factors • They are the basic observables that contain important information about the electromagnetic structure of the proton and the neutron in the non-perturbative
Electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon in the chiral constituent quark model Harleen Dahiya Department of Physics Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar Jefferson Lab, Newport News, Virginia April 11-15, 2011 H Dahiya (NITJ) Electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon DIS 2011 1 / 38. 3 Summary and Conclusions Outline 1 Internal structure of the baryons 2 …
With a special intention of clarifying the underlying spin contents of the nucleon, we investigate the generalized form factors of the nucleon, which are defined as the nth x moments of the generalized parton distribution functions, within the framework of the chiral quark soliton model.
Overview of proton, neutron, and pion form factor measurements John Arrington Argonne National Lab QCD Bound States Workshop June 15-19, Argonne National Lab. 2 Nucleon Electromagnetic Form Factors Fundamental properties of the proton and neutron – Contain information on charge, magnetization distributions – Connect to distribution, dynamics of quarks in hadrons Experimental …
Abstract. Nucleon scattering by the classical gravitational field is described by the gravitational (energy-momentum tensor) form factors (GFFs), which also control the partition of nucleon spin between the total angular momenta of quarks and gluons.
Spin Structure of the Nucleon COMPASS
The nucleon (proton and neutron) electromagnetic form factors describe the spatial distributions of electric charge and current inside the nucleon and thus are intimately related to its internal structure; these form factors are among the most basic observables of the nucleon.
•Low Q nucleon spin structure functions, spin polarizabilities and sum rules • Nucleon form factors and polarizabilities • The light atoms’ hyperfine structure at the intersection between nuclear
PoS(DIS2017)244 3D Structure of Hadrons by GDAs S. Kumano Gell-Mann matrix la. Using the momenta P = p+ p′and ∆ = p′ p, we express the matrix element of the energy momentum tensor in terms of the gravitational form factors Q1 and Q2 as
We calculate gravitational form factors of vector mesons using a holographic model of QCD. These provide restrictions on the generalized parton distributions of vector mesons, via the sum rules
Nucleon form factors from Nf=2+1+1 twisted mass fermions
Form Factors and Structure Functions
Nucleon axial form factors and structure
Nucleon form factors from Nf=2+1+1 twisted mass fermions at the physical point Martha Constantinou Temple University in collaboration with ETM Collaboration:
The aim of the workshop was to bring together a number of specialists in non-perturbative field theory as well as others working in the areas of hadron physics and related fields.
Exploring nucleon spin structure through neutrino neutral-current interactions in MicroBooNE K. Woodru , for the MicroBooNE collaboration New Mexico State University (Dated: February 6, 2017) The net contribution of the strange quark spins to the proton spin, s, can be determined from neutral current elastic neutrino-proton interactions at low momentum transfer combined with data from electron
The Electric Charge and Magnetization Distribution of the
3D structure of hadrons by generalized distribution
The spin of the proton indico.ihep.ac.cn
Thus, the eigenfunctions of introduced Hamiltonian application for nucleon structure investigation the are next interesting problem. This paper is devoted for electric and magnetic elastic form-factors …
Spin Structure of Nucleon and Equivalence Principle

Chiral structure of nucleon gravitational form factors A

Nucleon electromagnetic and gravitational form factors

Origin of Nuclear Structure In-Medium Changes in Nucleon

Chiral structure of nucleon gravitational form factors
– Fundamental Structure of Matter and Strong Interaction
Scalar‐isoscalar states gravitational form factors and
Nucleon (Spin) Structure from the Lattice

Nucleon Form Factor Measurements and Interpretation

Generalized Parton Distributions and Gravitational Form

(PDF) Gravitational Form Factors in the Axial Sector from

Form Factors and Structure Functions
Generalized parton distributions of the deuteron in a

one has to study nucleon gravitational form factors. These functions, which arise in the nucleon These functions, which arise in the nucleon 1 For a gauge particle the decomposition of its angular momentum into its spin and orbital components is
Recent fits to nucleon form factor data show that the nucleon core has a Gaussian charge density distribution and peripheral periodicity of declining amplitude whose wavelength approximates the particle’s Compton wavelength.
and thus are intimately related to its internal structure; these form factors are among the most basic observables of the nucleon. The Fourier transform of EFFs gives the charge and magnetization distributions of nucleon respec-tively. One can obtain the Dirac, F1(Q2) and Pauli, F2(Q2) form factors from the rst moment of spin non-ip H(x;Q2) and spin ip E(x;Q2) GPDs [21]. Gravity plays a major
Exploring nucleon spin structure through neutrino neutral-current interactions in MicroBooNE K. Woodru , for the MicroBooNE collaboration New Mexico State University (Dated: February 6, 2017) The net contribution of the strange quark spins to the proton spin, s, can be determined from neutral current elastic neutrino-proton interactions at low momentum transfer combined with data from electron
Probing the Internal Structure of the Proton The protons and neutrons are the basic building blocks of atomic nuclei. The internal structure of the nucleons determines their fundamental properties, which in turn directly affect the properties of the nuclei. Understanding how the nucleon is built in terms of underlying quark and gluon degrees of freedom is one of most important and challenging
TRANSVERSE SPIN STRUCTURE OF BARYONS USING LATTICE QCD Jacob Bickerton Collaborators: James Zanotti, Ross Young QCD Down Under 2017 1. CONTENT • Motivation • Spin Density • Solving Three-point functions • Form Factors • Flavour Symmetry Breaking Expansion 2. MOTIVATION • To look at the internal structure of baryons and view the positional density of the quarks depending on the spin

Chiral structure of nucleon gravitational form factors A
Holographic production near threshold and the proton mass

•Low Q nucleon spin structure functions, spin polarizabilities and sum rules • Nucleon form factors and polarizabilities • The light atoms’ hyperfine structure at the intersection between nuclear
Front. Phys. 11(5), 111207 (2016) DOI 10.1007/s11467-016-0573-6 REVIEW ARTICLE Gravitational form factors and nucleon spin structure O. V. Teryaev
Resonancecontributions to nucleon structure functions are calculated. The The resulting expressionsare used to investigate quark–hadron duality in electron–nucleonscattering by
Nucleon mass and spin: What’s the issue? Durr, et al. (2009) What’s mysterious about proton mass? Lattice QCD can explain it. Proton has spin ½ because it’s a fermion.
Gravitational Form Factors The most general structure of stress tensor matrix ele- ment for spin- 21 particles can be written in terms of three form factors FIG. 3: The red dashed line is the gravitational form factor p2 , s2 T µν (0) p1 , s1 = u(p2 , s2 ) A(Q)γ (µ pν) (67) from the soft-wall model, while the solid blue line is the corre- sponding form factor from the integral of a GPD
quark spin in the nucleon rest frame or in the quark model. B.-Q. Ma, J.Phys. G 17 (1991) L53 B.-Q. Ma, Q.-R. Zhang, Z.Phys.C 58 (1993) 479-482. Quark spin sum is not a Lorentz invariant quantity Thus the quark spin sum equals to the proton in the rest frame does not mean that it equals to the proton spin in the infinite momentum frame in the rest frame does not mean that in the infinite
Exploring nucleon spin structure through neutrino neutral-current interactions in MicroBooNE K. Woodru , for the MicroBooNE collaboration New Mexico State University (Dated: February 6, 2017) The net contribution of the strange quark spins to the proton spin, s, can be determined from neutral current elastic neutrino-proton interactions at low momentum transfer combined with data from electron

Nucleon spin and orbital structure 20 years later
Spin Structure of Nucleon and Equivalence Principle

Recent fits to nucleon form factor data show that the nucleon core has a Gaussian charge density distribution and peripheral periodicity of declining amplitude whose wavelength approximates the particle’s Compton wavelength.
The partition of nucleon spin between total angular momenta of quarks and gluons is described by the energy momentum tensor formfactors manifested also in the nucleon scattering by weak classical
Front. Phys. 11(5), 111207 (2016) DOI 10.1007/s11467-016-0573-6 REVIEW ARTICLE Gravitational form factors and nucleon spin structure O. V. Teryaev
Predicting Proton Axial Form Factors with a Quark-Diquark Model Trevor M. Oxholm December 3, 2016 Abstract A quark-diquark model is used to predict the nucleon Axial Form Factor more accurately
Probing the Internal Structure of the Proton The protons and neutrons are the basic building blocks of atomic nuclei. The internal structure of the nucleons determines their fundamental properties, which in turn directly affect the properties of the nuclei. Understanding how the nucleon is built in terms of underlying quark and gluon degrees of freedom is one of most important and challenging
Electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon in the chiral constituent quark model Harleen Dahiya Department of Physics Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar Jefferson Lab, Newport News, Virginia April 11-15, 2011 H Dahiya (NITJ) Electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon DIS 2011 1 / 38. 3 Summary and Conclusions Outline 1 Internal structure of the baryons 2 …
Spin Structure of Nucleon and Equivalence Principle O.V. Teryaev1 1. Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, JINR, 141980 Dubna, Moscow region, Russia Abstract The partition of nucleon spin between total angular momenta of quarks and gluons is described by the energy momentum tensor form-factors manifested also in the nucleon scattering by weak classical gravitational field. Natural

Physics Program at Jefferson Lab and a Future Electron-Ion
The SAMPLE Experiment and Weak Nucleon Structure

and thus are intimately related to its internal structure; these form factors are among the most basic observables of the nucleon. The Fourier transform of EFFs gives the charge and magnetization distributions of nucleon respec-tively. One can obtain the Dirac, F1(Q2) and Pauli, F2(Q2) form factors from the rst moment of spin non-ip H(x;Q2) and spin ip E(x;Q2) GPDs [21]. Gravity plays a major
With a special intention of clarifying the underlying spin contents of the nucleon, we investigate the generalized form factors of the nucleon, which are defined as the nth x moments of the generalized parton distribution functions, within the framework of the chiral quark soliton model.
Spin Structure of the Nucleon. Operated by Jefferson Science Associates for the U.S. Department of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 2 Outline • JLab today and future • Elastic Form Factors • Parton Distribution Functions • GPDs • Strangeness in the Nucleon • New Standard Model Test. Operated by Jefferson Science Associates for the U.S. Department of Energy
Abstract. Nucleon scattering by the classical gravitational field is described by the gravitational (energy-momentum tensor) form factors (GFFs), which also control the partition of nucleon spin between the total angular momenta of quarks and gluons.
Parity-Violating Electron Scattering and Nucleon Structure 3 1 INTRODUCTION The study of the parity-nonconserving force between electrons and quarks has
We calculate the stress tensor, or energy-momentum tensor, form factors of the pion and of axial vector mesons in the chiral limit of a hard wall AdS/CFT model of QCD.
Nucleon mass and spin: What’s the issue? Durr, et al. (2009) What’s mysterious about proton mass? Lattice QCD can explain it. Proton has spin ½ because it’s a fermion.
of nucleon form factors, low moments of nucleon structure functions and low moments of generalized parton distributions, including flavor and spin dependence” Tuesday, April 29, 2014. Nucleon Structure on a Lattice Large-Scale Computing(NP) Apr 29-30, 2014 Sergey N. Syritsyn Nucleon Structure on a Lattice Project • Gauge field configurations are generated elsewhere (normally BG/Qs), gauge

Form Factors and Structure Functions

Exploring nucleon spin structure through neutrino neutral-current interactions in MicroBooNE K. Woodru , for the MicroBooNE collaboration New Mexico State University (Dated: February 6, 2017) The net contribution of the strange quark spins to the proton spin, s, can be determined from neutral current elastic neutrino-proton interactions at low momentum transfer combined with data from electron
Chiral structure of nucleon gravitational form factors A.V. Belitsky, X. Ji Department of Physics University of Maryland at College Park College Park, MD 20742-4111, USA Abstract We study the low momentum behavior of nucleon gravitational form factors in the framework of the heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory. At zero recoil they determine the momentum and spin apportion between nucleon
– Form Factors (Q2) => Consolidation and Exploration at higher Q2 – Nucleon radius (from Q 2 0) => High Precision, but also need of Consolidation in lab.
Electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon in the chiral constituent quark model Harleen Dahiya Department of Physics Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar Jefferson Lab, Newport News, Virginia April 11-15, 2011 H Dahiya (NITJ) Electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon DIS 2011 1 / 38. 3 Summary and Conclusions Outline 1 Internal structure of the baryons 2 …
We calculate the stress tensor, or energy-momentum tensor, form factors of the pion and of axial vector mesons in the chiral limit of a hard wall AdS/CFT model of QCD.
1.1 Weak Form Factors and the Role of Strange Quarks The formalism of the electroweak interaction between electrons and quarks can be found in many textbooks and several recent reviews of parity violating electron scattering [3, 4, 5, 6].
3D structure of hadrons by generalized distribution amplitudes and gravitational form factors S. Kumano∗a,b, Qin-Tao Songa, Understanding of three-dimensional (3D) structure functions for the nucleon is one of hot topics in hadron physics. One of the major purposes of their studies is to understand the origin of nucleon spin including partonic orbital-angular-momentum contributions
Generalized Parton Distributions and Gravitational Form Factors in Light cone model Narinder Kumar and Harleen Dahiya Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar Dubna International Advanced School of Theoretical Physics Helmholtz International Summer School August 26, 2014 N Kumar and H Dahiya (Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar …
Introduction • Electromagnetic Form Factors contain structure information on the many-body system of quarks and gluons of the nucleon. • When obtained from experiment, they are
Page 3 The Issues • What lies at the heart of nuclear structure? • Start from a QCD-inspired model of hadron structure • Ask how that structure is modified in-medium
form factors, F1(q2) and F2(q2), are the analogs of F(q2) in the discussion above, and F 1 (0) = F 2 (0) = 1. If the proton were a pointlike Dirac particle like the
Resonancecontributions to nucleon structure functions are calculated. The The resulting expressionsare used to investigate quark–hadron duality in electron–nucleonscattering by
Abstract. Nucleon scattering by the classical gravitational field is described by the gravitational (energy-momentum tensor) form factors (GFFs), which also control the partition of nucleon spin between the total angular momenta of quarks and gluons.

Nucleon Spin Structure at Low Q A Hyperfine View ECT
Generalized Form Factors Generalized Parton Distributions

calculations of nucleon form factors will certainly use these new light-quark methods and hopefully get much closer to the physical quark masses. There is also an extensive amount of theoretical work on the general problem of “chiral extrapolation”, i.e. understanding from a chiral
Fundamental Structure of Matter and Strong Interaction Jian-ping Chen (陈剑平), Jefferson Lab, Virginia, USA Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, November, 2011
Page 3 The Issues • What lies at the heart of nuclear structure? • Start from a QCD-inspired model of hadron structure • Ask how that structure is modified in-medium
Spin Structure of Nucleon and Equivalence Principle O.V. Teryaev1 1. Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, JINR, 141980 Dubna, Moscow region, Russia Abstract The partition of nucleon spin between total angular momenta of quarks and gluons is described by the energy momentum tensor form-factors manifested also in the nucleon scattering by weak classical gravitational field. Natural
PoS(DIS2017)244 3D Structure of Hadrons by GDAs S. Kumano Gell-Mann matrix la. Using the momenta P = p p′and ∆ = p′ p, we express the matrix element of the energy momentum tensor in terms of the gravitational form factors Q1 and Q2 as

Gravitational form factors and nucleon spin structure

q ≡ (ω,”q ) e e” k k” θ e N N” p” p Figure 1.2: The scattering diagram in the lab frame for a one-photon exchange reaction. θe is the electron scattering angle and q2 is the 4-momentum transferred to the nucleon.
The aim of the workshop was to bring together a number of specialists in non-perturbative field theory as well as others working in the areas of hadron physics and related fields.
DOI 10.1140/epja/i2015-15079-x Review Eur. Phys. J. A (2015) 51:79 THE EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A The structure of the nucleon: Elastic electromagnetic form factors
Nucleon Elastic Form Factors … Fundamental quantities Defined in context of singleDefined in context of single-photon exchangephoton exchange

Generalized parton distributions of the deuteron in a
Fundamental Structure of Matter and Strong Interaction

We calculate the stress tensor, or energy-momentum tensor, form factors of the pion and of axial vector mesons in the chiral limit of a hard wall AdS/CFT model of QCD.
Parity-Violating Electron Scattering and Nucleon Structure 3 1 INTRODUCTION The study of the parity-nonconserving force between electrons and quarks has
I. INTRODUCTION The space-like electromagnetic form factors of the proton and neutron obtained in electron-nucleon elastic scattering are key measures of the fundamental structure of hadrons.
Abstract. Nucleon scattering by the classical gravitational field is described by the gravitational (energy-momentum tensor) form factors (GFFs), which also control the partition of nucleon spin between the total angular momenta of quarks and gluons.
Nucleon form factors from Nf=2 1 1 twisted mass fermions at the physical point Martha Constantinou Temple University in collaboration with ETM Collaboration:
We confirm the obtained mass values from an analysis of the pion and nucleon spin‐0 gravitational form factors, recently measured on the lattice. We find that a simple two‐state model suggests a meson nature of f 0 (600), and a glueball nature of f 0 (980), which naturally explains the ratios of various coupling constants.
this reason, form factors based on the Skyrme-type potentials are larger in the surface and exterior regions (where p z 0) than, for example, the form factors of Ian0 and Pinkston, as shown in table 1 …
and thus are intimately related to its internal structure; these form factors are among the most basic observables of the nucleon. The Fourier transform of EFFs gives the charge and magnetization distributions of nucleon respec-tively. One can obtain the Dirac, F1(Q2) and Pauli, F2(Q2) form factors from the rst moment of spin non-ip H(x;Q2) and spin ip E(x;Q2) GPDs [21]. Gravity plays a major
At zero recoil they determine the momentum and spin apportion between nucleon constituents. Our result provides an insight into the response of the nucleon’s pion cloud to an external weak gravitational field and establishes a theoretical framework for extrapolation of experimental and lattice data on the nucleon form factors to zero momentum transfer. We also discuss form factors
Predicting Proton Axial Form Factors with a Quark-Diquark Model Trevor M. Oxholm December 3, 2016 Abstract A quark-diquark model is used to predict the nucleon Axial Form Factor more accurately
of nucleon form factors, low moments of nucleon structure functions and low moments of generalized parton distributions, including flavor and spin dependence” Tuesday, April 29, 2014. Nucleon Structure on a Lattice Large-Scale Computing(NP) Apr 29-30, 2014 Sergey N. Syritsyn Nucleon Structure on a Lattice Project • Gauge field configurations are generated elsewhere (normally BG/Qs), gauge
Gravitational Form Factors The most general structure of stress tensor matrix ele- ment for spin- 21 particles can be written in terms of three form factors FIG. 3: The red dashed line is the gravitational form factor p2 , s2 T µν (0) p1 , s1 = u(p2 , s2 ) A(Q)γ (µ pν) (67) from the soft-wall model, while the solid blue line is the corre- sponding form factor from the integral of a GPD
Spin Structure of the Nucleon G. K. Mallot CERN/PH 33 rd Meeing of the PAC JINR, Dubna, June 21, 2010 G. Mallot JINR, Dubna, June 21, 2010
Electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon in the chiral constituent quark model Harleen Dahiya Department of Physics Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar Jefferson Lab, Newport News, Virginia April 11-15, 2011 H Dahiya (NITJ) Electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon DIS 2011 1 / 38. 3 Summary and Conclusions Outline 1 Internal structure of the baryons 2 …

Nucleon axial form factors and structure
The Electric Charge and Magnetization Distribution of the

The partition of nucleon spin between total angular momenta of quarks and gluons is described by the energy momentum tensor formfactors manifested also in the nucleon scattering by weak classical
09:30–10:15 Nucleon spin structure: Highlights and Workshop goals Marc Vanderhaeghen . 10:15–11:00 Overview of new measurements of electromagnetic form factors, polarizabilities Sebastian Kuhn . and spin structure function functions . 11:00–11:30 . Coffee break. 11:30–12:15 Proton spin structure in the hyperfine splitting of muonic H Carl Carlson
Recent fits to nucleon form factor data show that the nucleon core has a Gaussian charge density distribution and peripheral periodicity of declining amplitude whose wavelength approximates the particle’s Compton wavelength.
Parity-Violating Electron Scattering and Nucleon Structure 3 1 INTRODUCTION The study of the parity-nonconserving force between electrons and quarks has
The electromagnetic form factor (left) and quark part of the spin-2 gravitational form factor (right) in SQM (solid line) and NJL model (dashed line) compared to the lattice data from [Brömmel 2005/7].
of nucleon form factors, low moments of nucleon structure functions and low moments of generalized parton distributions, including flavor and spin dependence” Tuesday, April 29, 2014. Nucleon Structure on a Lattice Large-Scale Computing(NP) Apr 29-30, 2014 Sergey N. Syritsyn Nucleon Structure on a Lattice Project • Gauge field configurations are generated elsewhere (normally BG/Qs), gauge
C. Alexandrou (Univ. of Cyprus & Cyprus Inst.) Nucleon axial form factors and structure Durham, April 20th, 2017 4 / 25 Questions we would like to address With simulations at the physical value of the pion mass there is a number of interesting questions we want to
Spin Structure of Nucleon and Equivalence Principle O.V. Teryaev1 1. Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, JINR, 141980 Dubna, Moscow region, Russia Abstract The partition of nucleon spin between total angular momenta of quarks and gluons is described by the energy momentum tensor form-factors manifested also in the nucleon scattering by weak classical gravitational field. Natural
Nucleon mass and spin: What’s the issue? Durr, et al. (2009) What’s mysterious about proton mass? Lattice QCD can explain it. Proton has spin ½ because it’s a fermion.

Measurement of the Nucleon Form-Factors
Form Factors and Structure Functions

1.1 Weak Form Factors and the Role of Strange Quarks The formalism of the electroweak interaction between electrons and quarks can be found in many textbooks and several recent reviews of parity violating electron scattering [3, 4, 5, 6].
3D structure of hadrons by generalized distribution amplitudes and gravitational form factors S. Kumano∗a,b, Qin-Tao Songa, Understanding of three-dimensional (3D) structure functions for the nucleon is one of hot topics in hadron physics. One of the major purposes of their studies is to understand the origin of nucleon spin including partonic orbital-angular-momentum contributions
With a special intention of clarifying the underlying spin contents of the nucleon, we investigate the generalized form factors of the nucleon, which are defined as the nth x moments of the generalized parton distribution functions, within the framework of the chiral quark soliton model.
one has to study nucleon gravitational form factors. These functions, which arise in the nucleon These functions, which arise in the nucleon 1 For a gauge particle the decomposition of its angular momentum into its spin and orbital components is
The aim of the workshop was to bring together a number of specialists in non-perturbative field theory as well as others working in the areas of hadron physics and related fields.
Introduction • Electromagnetic Form Factors contain structure information on the many-body system of quarks and gluons of the nucleon. • When obtained from experiment, they are
Nucleon Elastic Form Factors … Fundamental quantities Defined in context of singleDefined in context of single-photon exchangephoton exchange
Abstract. Nucleon scattering by the classical gravitational field is described by the gravitational (energy-momentum tensor) form factors (GFFs), which also control the partition of nucleon spin between the total angular momenta of quarks and gluons.
TRANSVERSE SPIN STRUCTURE OF BARYONS USING LATTICE QCD Jacob Bickerton Collaborators: James Zanotti, Ross Young QCD Down Under 2017 1. CONTENT • Motivation • Spin Density • Solving Three-point functions • Form Factors • Flavour Symmetry Breaking Expansion 2. MOTIVATION • To look at the internal structure of baryons and view the positional density of the quarks depending on the spin
Takahiro Sawada, Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan on behalf of the COMPASS Collaboration Study of nucleon spin structure at COMPASS-II
At zero recoil they determine the momentum and spin apportion between nucleon constituents. Our result provides an insight into the response of the nucleon’s pion cloud to an external weak gravitational field and establishes a theoretical framework for extrapolation of experimental and lattice data on the nucleon form factors to zero momentum transfer. We also discuss form factors

The SAMPLE Experiment and Weak Nucleon Structure
Holographic production near threshold and the proton mass

1st QCD Spin Summer School, BNL, June 2004 Nucleon (Spin) Structure from the Lattice Tom Blum University of Connecticut and RIKEN BNL Research Center
this reason, form factors based on the Skyrme-type potentials are larger in the surface and exterior regions (where p z 0) than, for example, the form factors of Ian0 and Pinkston, as shown in table 1 …
Measurement of the Nucleon Form-Factors Kent Paschke University of Virginia More (Thursday, session D): • B. Wojtsekhowski, Nucleon Form Factors
– Form Factors (Q2) => Consolidation and Exploration at higher Q2 – Nucleon radius (from Q 2 0) => High Precision, but also need of Consolidation in lab.
Fundamental Structure of Matter and Strong Interaction Jian-ping Chen (陈剑平), Jefferson Lab, Virginia, USA Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, November, 2011
3D structure of hadrons by generalized distribution amplitudes and gravitational form factors S. Kumano∗a,b, Qin-Tao Songa, Understanding of three-dimensional (3D) structure functions for the nucleon is one of hot topics in hadron physics. One of the major purposes of their studies is to understand the origin of nucleon spin including partonic orbital-angular-momentum contributions

Chiral structure of nucleon gravitational form factors A
Nucleon Elastic Form Factors Experiments and Data

I. INTRODUCTION The space-like electromagnetic form factors of the proton and neutron obtained in electron-nucleon elastic scattering are key measures of the fundamental structure of hadrons.
TRANSVERSE SPIN STRUCTURE OF BARYONS USING LATTICE QCD Jacob Bickerton Collaborators: James Zanotti, Ross Young QCD Down Under 2017 1. CONTENT • Motivation • Spin Density • Solving Three-point functions • Form Factors • Flavour Symmetry Breaking Expansion 2. MOTIVATION • To look at the internal structure of baryons and view the positional density of the quarks depending on the spin
We calculate gravitational form factors of vector mesons using a holographic model of QCD. These provide restrictions on the generalized parton distributions of vector mesons, via the sum rules
We confirm the obtained mass values from an analysis of the pion and nucleon spin‐0 gravitational form factors, recently measured on the lattice. We find that a simple two‐state model suggests a meson nature of f 0 (600), and a glueball nature of f 0 (980), which naturally explains the ratios of various coupling constants.
Spin Structure of the Nucleon G. K. Mallot CERN/PH 33 rd Meeing of the PAC JINR, Dubna, June 21, 2010 G. Mallot JINR, Dubna, June 21, 2010
Spin Structure of the Nucleon. Operated by Jefferson Science Associates for the U.S. Department of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 2 Outline • JLab today and future • Elastic Form Factors • Parton Distribution Functions • GPDs • Strangeness in the Nucleon • New Standard Model Test. Operated by Jefferson Science Associates for the U.S. Department of Energy
B. Badelek (Warsaw ) Nucleon Spin Structure INPC 2010 4 / 33 Partonic structure of the nucleon; distribution functions Three twist-twoquark distributions in QCD (after integrating over the quark intrinsic k t )
PoS(DIS2017)244 3D Structure of Hadrons by GDAs S. Kumano Gell-Mann matrix la. Using the momenta P = p p′and ∆ = p′ p, we express the matrix element of the energy momentum tensor in terms of the gravitational form factors Q1 and Q2 as
Nucleon form factors from Nf=2 1 1 twisted mass fermions at the physical point Martha Constantinou Temple University in collaboration with ETM Collaboration:

Generalized parton distributions of the deuteron in a
Nucleon Elastic Form Factors Experiments and Data

Abstract. Nucleon scattering by the classical gravitational field is described by the gravitational (energymomentum tensor) form factors (GFFs), which also control the partition of nucleon spin between the total angular momenta of quarks and gluons.
I. INTRODUCTION The space-like electromagnetic form factors of the proton and neutron obtained in electron-nucleon elastic scattering are key measures of the fundamental structure of hadrons.
Chiral structure of nucleon gravitational form factors A.V. Belitsky, X. Ji Department of Physics University of Maryland at College Park College Park, MD 20742-4111, USA Abstract We study the low momentum behavior of nucleon gravitational form factors in the framework of the heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory. At zero recoil they determine the momentum and spin apportion between nucleon
The partition of nucleon spin between total angular momenta of quarks and gluons is described by the energy momentum tensor formfactors manifested also in the nucleon scattering by weak classical
Thus, the eigenfunctions of introduced Hamiltonian application for nucleon structure investigation the are next interesting problem. This paper is devoted for electric and magnetic elastic form-factors …
A spin-1 system (deuteron, ˆ) has ve vector GPDs. This increase in the number of GPDs is analogous to the increasing number of form factors, or of DIS structure functions, as spin increases.
We confirm the obtained mass values from an analysis of the pion and nucleon spin‐0 gravitational form factors, recently measured on the lattice. We find that a simple two‐state model suggests a meson nature of f 0 (600), and a glueball nature of f 0 (980), which naturally explains the ratios of various coupling constants.

Electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon in the chiral
The SAMPLE Experiment and Weak Nucleon Structure

B. Badelek (Warsaw ) Nucleon Spin Structure INPC 2010 4 / 33 Partonic structure of the nucleon; distribution functions Three twist-twoquark distributions in QCD (after integrating over the quark intrinsic k t )
PoS(DIS2017)244 3D Structure of Hadrons by GDAs S. Kumano Gell-Mann matrix la. Using the momenta P = p p′and ∆ = p′ p, we express the matrix element of the energy momentum tensor in terms of the gravitational form factors Q1 and Q2 as
Takahiro Sawada, Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan on behalf of the COMPASS Collaboration Study of nucleon spin structure at COMPASS-II
With a special intention of clarifying the underlying spin contents of the nucleon, we investigate the generalized form factors of the nucleon, which are defined as the nth x moments of the generalized parton distribution functions, within the framework of the chiral quark soliton model.
Exploring nucleon spin structure through neutrino neutral-current interactions in MicroBooNE K. Woodru , for the MicroBooNE collaboration New Mexico State University (Dated: February 6, 2017) The net contribution of the strange quark spins to the proton spin, s, can be determined from neutral current elastic neutrino-proton interactions at low momentum transfer combined with data from electron
and thus are intimately related to its internal structure; these form factors are among the most basic observables of the nucleon. The Fourier transform of EFFs gives the charge and magnetization distributions of nucleon respec-tively. One can obtain the Dirac, F1(Q2) and Pauli, F2(Q2) form factors from the rst moment of spin non-ip H(x;Q2) and spin ip E(x;Q2) GPDs [21]. Gravity plays a major
Outline 1. Nucleon structure 2. Energy-momentum tensor 3. Mass decompositions 4. 3D distributions in Breit frame 5. Comparison with neutron stars 6.
Spin Structure of the Nucleon. Operated by Jefferson Science Associates for the U.S. Department of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 2 Outline • JLab today and future • Elastic Form Factors • Parton Distribution Functions • GPDs • Strangeness in the Nucleon • New Standard Model Test. Operated by Jefferson Science Associates for the U.S. Department of Energy
C Nucleon electromagnetic form factors 67 1 A historical introduction Diplon, deuton, deuteron: under di erent names, the nucleus of deuterium, or diplogen, has been the subject of intense studies since its discovery in 1932. As the only two-nucleon bound state, its properties have continuously been viewed as important in nuclear theory as the hydrogen atom is in atomic theory. 1. Yet
Abstract. Nucleon scattering by the classical gravitational field is described by the gravitational (energy-momentum tensor) form factors (GFFs), which also control the partition of nucleon spin between the total angular momenta of quarks and gluons.

The Longitudinal Spin Structure of the Nucleon Jefferson Lab
Nucleon Form FactorsNucleon Form Factors Experimental

PoS(DIS2017)244 3D Structure of Hadrons by GDAs S. Kumano Gell-Mann matrix la. Using the momenta P = p p′and ∆ = p′ p, we express the matrix element of the energy momentum tensor in terms of the gravitational form factors Q1 and Q2 as
calculations of nucleon form factors will certainly use these new light-quark methods and hopefully get much closer to the physical quark masses. There is also an extensive amount of theoretical work on the general problem of “chiral extrapolation”, i.e. understanding from a chiral
We calculate the stress tensor, or energy-momentum tensor, form factors of the pion and of axial vector mesons in the chiral limit of a hard wall AdS/CFT model of QCD.
Introduction • Electromagnetic Form Factors contain structure information on the many-body system of quarks and gluons of the nucleon. • When obtained from experiment, they are
C. Alexandrou (Univ. of Cyprus & Cyprus Inst.) Nucleon axial form factors and structure Durham, April 20th, 2017 4 / 25 Questions we would like to address With simulations at the physical value of the pion mass there is a number of interesting questions we want to
The partition of nucleon spin between total angular momenta of quarks and gluons is described by the energy momentum tensor formfactors manifested also in the nucleon scattering by weak classical
Exploring nucleon spin structure through neutrino neutral-current interactions in MicroBooNE K. Woodru , for the MicroBooNE collaboration New Mexico State University (Dated: February 6, 2017) The net contribution of the strange quark spins to the proton spin, s, can be determined from neutral current elastic neutrino-proton interactions at low momentum transfer combined with data from electron
Outline 1. Nucleon structure 2. Energy-momentum tensor 3. Mass decompositions 4. 3D distributions in Breit frame 5. Comparison with neutron stars 6.
The aim of the workshop was to bring together a number of specialists in non-perturbative field theory as well as others working in the areas of hadron physics and related fields.
Thus, the eigenfunctions of introduced Hamiltonian application for nucleon structure investigation the are next interesting problem. This paper is devoted for electric and magnetic elastic form-factors …
form factors, F1(q2) and F2(q2), are the analogs of F(q2) in the discussion above, and F 1 (0) = F 2 (0) = 1. If the proton were a pointlike Dirac particle like the
Spin Structure of Nucleon and Equivalence Principle O.V. Teryaev1 1. Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, JINR, 141980 Dubna, Moscow region, Russia Abstract The partition of nucleon spin between total angular momenta of quarks and gluons is described by the energy momentum tensor form-factors manifested also in the nucleon scattering by weak classical gravitational field. Natural
Gravitational Form Factors The most general structure of stress tensor matrix ele- ment for spin- 21 particles can be written in terms of three form factors FIG. 3: The red dashed line is the gravitational form factor p2 , s2 T µν (0) p1 , s1 = u(p2 , s2 ) A(Q)γ (µ pν) (67) from the soft-wall model, while the solid blue line is the corre- sponding form factor from the integral of a GPD
Resonancecontributions to nucleon structure functions are calculated. The The resulting expressionsare used to investigate quark–hadron duality in electron–nucleonscattering by
At zero recoil they determine the momentum and spin apportion between nucleon constituents. Our result provides an insight into the response of the nucleon’s pion cloud to an external weak gravitational field and establishes a theoretical framework for extrapolation of experimental and lattice data on the nucleon form factors to zero momentum transfer. We also discuss form factors

Probing the nucleon structure ejc2011.sciencesconf.org
light-front quark-diquark model arxiv.org

INT Program INT-18-3 Week 1: GPDs, 1–5 October 2018, Seattle, WA “Probing Nucleons and Nuclei in High Energy Collisions” Form factors of the energy-momentum tensor
Nucleon Elastic Form Factors … Fundamental quantities Defined in context of singleDefined in context of single-photon exchangephoton exchange
The partition of nucleon spin between total angular momenta of quarks and gluons is described by the energy momentum tensor formfactors manifested also in the nucleon scattering by weak classical
one has to study nucleon gravitational form factors. These functions, which arise in the nucleon These functions, which arise in the nucleon 1 For a gauge particle the decomposition of its angular momentum into its spin and orbital components is
With a special intention of clarifying the underlying spin contents of the nucleon, we investigate the generalized form factors of the nucleon, which are defined as the nth x moments of the generalized parton distribution functions, within the framework of the chiral quark soliton model.
Page 3 The Issues • What lies at the heart of nuclear structure? • Start from a QCD-inspired model of hadron structure • Ask how that structure is modified in-medium
Nucleon form factors from Nf=2 1 1 twisted mass fermions at the physical point Martha Constantinou Temple University in collaboration with ETM Collaboration:
A spin-1 system (deuteron, ˆ) has ve vector GPDs. This increase in the number of GPDs is analogous to the increasing number of form factors, or of DIS structure functions, as spin increases.
Parity-Violating Electron Scattering and Nucleon Structure 3 1 INTRODUCTION The study of the parity-nonconserving force between electrons and quarks has
•Low Q nucleon spin structure functions, spin polarizabilities and sum rules • Nucleon form factors and polarizabilities • The light atoms’ hyperfine structure at the intersection between nuclear
B. Badelek (Warsaw ) Nucleon Spin Structure INPC 2010 4 / 33 Partonic structure of the nucleon; distribution functions Three twist-twoquark distributions in QCD (after integrating over the quark intrinsic k t )
C. Alexandrou (Univ. of Cyprus & Cyprus Inst.) Nucleon axial form factors and structure Durham, April 20th, 2017 4 / 25 Questions we would like to address With simulations at the physical value of the pion mass there is a number of interesting questions we want to

Study of nucleon spin structure at COMPASS-II
Generalized Parton Distributions and Gravitational Form

of nucleon form factors, low moments of nucleon structure functions and low moments of generalized parton distributions, including flavor and spin dependence” Tuesday, April 29, 2014. Nucleon Structure on a Lattice Large-Scale Computing(NP) Apr 29-30, 2014 Sergey N. Syritsyn Nucleon Structure on a Lattice Project • Gauge field configurations are generated elsewhere (normally BG/Qs), gauge
The nucleon (proton and neutron) electromagnetic form factors describe the spatial distributions of electric charge and current inside the nucleon and thus are intimately related to its internal structure; these form factors are among the most basic observables of the nucleon.
Nucleon Elastic Form Factors … Fundamental quantities Defined in context of singleDefined in context of single-photon exchangephoton exchange
The partition of nucleon spin between total angular momenta of quarks and gluons is described by the energy momentum tensor formfactors manifested also in the nucleon scattering by weak classical
form factors, F1(q2) and F2(q2), are the analogs of F(q2) in the discussion above, and F 1 (0) = F 2 (0) = 1. If the proton were a pointlike Dirac particle like the
EM Nucleon Form Factors • They are the basic observables that contain important information about the electromagnetic structure of the proton and the neutron in the non-perturbative
Spin Structure of the Nucleon. Operated by Jefferson Science Associates for the U.S. Department of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 2 Outline • JLab today and future • Elastic Form Factors • Parton Distribution Functions • GPDs • Strangeness in the Nucleon • New Standard Model Test. Operated by Jefferson Science Associates for the U.S. Department of Energy
Electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon in the chiral constituent quark model Harleen Dahiya Department of Physics Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar Jefferson Lab, Newport News, Virginia April 11-15, 2011 H Dahiya (NITJ) Electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon DIS 2011 1 / 38. 3 Summary and Conclusions Outline 1 Internal structure of the baryons 2 …
Gravitational form factors are the matrix elements of the Belinfante energy momentum tensor (EMT) which naturally incorporate the hadron structure and the equivalence principle.
The aim of the workshop was to bring together a number of specialists in non-perturbative field theory as well as others working in the areas of hadron physics and related fields.
Chiral structure of nucleon gravitational form factors A.V. Belitsky, X. Ji Department of Physics University of Maryland at College Park College Park, MD 20742-4111, USA Abstract We study the low momentum behavior of nucleon gravitational form factors in the framework of the heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory. At zero recoil they determine the momentum and spin apportion between nucleon
Parity-Violating Electron Scattering and Nucleon Structure 3 1 INTRODUCTION The study of the parity-nonconserving force between electrons and quarks has

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  27. quark spin in the nucleon rest frame or in the quark model. B.-Q. Ma, J.Phys. G 17 (1991) L53 B.-Q. Ma, Q.-R. Zhang, Z.Phys.C 58 (1993) 479-482. Quark spin sum is not a Lorentz invariant quantity Thus the quark spin sum equals to the proton in the rest frame does not mean that it equals to the proton spin in the infinite momentum frame in the rest frame does not mean that in the infinite

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  28. – Form Factors (Q2) => Consolidation and Exploration at higher Q2 – Nucleon radius (from Q 2 0) => High Precision, but also need of Consolidation in lab.

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  30. At zero recoil they determine the momentum and spin apportion between nucleon constituents. Our result provides an insight into the response of the nucleon’s pion cloud to an external weak gravitational field and establishes a theoretical framework for extrapolation of experimental and lattice data on the nucleon form factors to zero momentum transfer. We also discuss form factors

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  31. Front. Phys. 11(5), 111207 (2016) DOI 10.1007/s11467-016-0573-6 REVIEW ARTICLE Gravitational form factors and nucleon spin structure O. V. Teryaev

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  32. form factors, F1(q2) and F2(q2), are the analogs of F(q2) in the discussion above, and F 1 (0) = F 2 (0) = 1. If the proton were a pointlike Dirac particle like the

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  33. I. INTRODUCTION The space-like electromagnetic form factors of the proton and neutron obtained in electron-nucleon elastic scattering are key measures of the fundamental structure of hadrons.

    Nucleon (Spin) Structure from the Lattice

  34. TRANSVERSE SPIN STRUCTURE OF BARYONS USING LATTICE QCD Jacob Bickerton Collaborators: James Zanotti, Ross Young QCD Down Under 2017 1. CONTENT • Motivation • Spin Density • Solving Three-point functions • Form Factors • Flavour Symmetry Breaking Expansion 2. MOTIVATION • To look at the internal structure of baryons and view the positional density of the quarks depending on the spin

    Structure of Schrödinger’s Nucleon Elastic Form-Factors

  35. INT Program INT-18-3 Week 1: GPDs, 1–5 October 2018, Seattle, WA “Probing Nucleons and Nuclei in High Energy Collisions” Form factors of the energy-momentum tensor

    3D structure of hadrons by generalized distribution
    CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION AND THEORY 1.1 Introduction 1.1.1

  36. We calculate the stress tensor, or energy-momentum tensor, form factors of the pion and of axial vector mesons in the chiral limit of a hard wall AdS/CFT model of QCD.

    Nucleon structure functions resonance form factors and

  37. Front. Phys. 11(5), 111207 (2016) DOI 10.1007/s11467-016-0573-6 REVIEW ARTICLE Gravitational form factors and nucleon spin structure O. V. Teryaev

    (PDF) Gravitational Form Factors of Vector Mesons in an
    Nucleon Form FactorsNucleon Form Factors Experimental

  38. C. Alexandrou (Univ. of Cyprus & Cyprus Inst.) Nucleon axial form factors and structure Durham, April 20th, 2017 4 / 25 Questions we would like to address With simulations at the physical value of the pion mass there is a number of interesting questions we want to

    Structure of Schrödinger’s Nucleon Elastic Form-Factors
    The Electric Charge and Magnetization Distribution of the
    Study of nucleon spin structure at COMPASS-II

  39. DOI 10.1140/epja/i2015-15079-x Review Eur. Phys. J. A (2015) 51:79 THE EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A The structure of the nucleon: Elastic electromagnetic form factors

    Nucleon (Spin) Structure from the Lattice
    Generalized parton distributions of the deuteron in a
    The Electric Charge and Magnetization Distribution of the

  40. Exploring nucleon spin structure through neutrino neutral-current interactions in MicroBooNE K. Woodru , for the MicroBooNE collaboration New Mexico State University (Dated: February 6, 2017) The net contribution of the strange quark spins to the proton spin, s, can be determined from neutral current elastic neutrino-proton interactions at low momentum transfer combined with data from electron

    Nucleon form factors from Nf=2+1+1 twisted mass fermions
    Parity-Violating Electron Scattering and Nucleon Structure
    Structure of Schrödinger’s Nucleon Elastic Form-Factors

  41. Outline 1. Nucleon structure 2. Energy-momentum tensor 3. Mass decompositions 4. 3D distributions in Breit frame 5. Comparison with neutron stars 6.

    Exploring nucleon spin structure through neutrino neutral
    The form factors for the two-nucleon stripping process
    Probing the nucleon structure ejc2011.sciencesconf.org

  42. We study the low momentum behavior of nucleon gravitational form factors in the framework of the heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory. At zero recoil they determine the momentum and spin apportion between nucleon constituents.

    Generalized parton distributions of the deuteron in a

  43. calculations of nucleon form factors will certainly use these new light-quark methods and hopefully get much closer to the physical quark masses. There is also an extensive amount of theoretical work on the general problem of “chiral extrapolation”, i.e. understanding from a chiral

    Experimental Studies of the Nucleon Spin Structure from
    The structure of the nucleon Hitoshi Murayama
    Nucleon spin structure at low Q Hyperfine view Outlook

  44. We calculate the stress tensor, or energy-momentum tensor, form factors of the pion and of axial vector mesons in the chiral limit of a hard wall AdS/CFT model of QCD.

    Analysis of Nucleon Electromagnetic Form Factors from

  45. one has to study nucleon gravitational form factors. These functions, which arise in the nucleon These functions, which arise in the nucleon 1 For a gauge particle the decomposition of its angular momentum into its spin and orbital components is

    Nucleon Form Factor Measurements and Interpretation
    Spin Structure of Nucleon and Equivalence Principle

  46. Gravitational Form Factors The most general structure of stress tensor matrix ele- ment for spin- 21 particles can be written in terms of three form factors FIG. 3: The red dashed line is the gravitational form factor p2 , s2 T µν (0) p1 , s1 = u(p2 , s2 ) A(Q)γ (µ pν) (67) from the soft-wall model, while the solid blue line is the corre- sponding form factor from the integral of a GPD

    Electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon in the chiral
    Probing the nucleon structure ejc2011.sciencesconf.org
    The deuteron structure and form factors Jefferson Lab

  47. Form Factors and Structure Functions Yury Kolomensky Physics 226, Fall 2010. Phys226 YGK, Hadronic Structure Running of Coupling Constants Generic property of any field theory: higher order corrections (loops) induce momentum (distance) dependence of coupling constants. This is known as an effect of “vacuum polarization” The magnitude and the direction of the change depends on the type of

    arXivhep-ph/0203276v1 29 Mar 2002 CiteSeerX

  48. Nucleon mass and spin: What’s the issue? Durr, et al. (2009) What’s mysterious about proton mass? Lattice QCD can explain it. Proton has spin ½ because it’s a fermion.

    Nucleon Spin Structure at Low Q A Hyperfine View ECT
    Origin of Nuclear Structure In-Medium Changes in Nucleon

  49. The nucleon (proton and neutron) electromagnetic form factors describe the spatial distributions of electric charge and current inside the nucleon and thus are intimately related to its internal structure; these form factors are among the most basic observables of the nucleon.

    The form factors for the two-nucleon stripping process
    Form factors of the energy-momentum tensor
    Chiral structure of nucleon gravitational form factors A

  50. Takahiro Sawada, Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan on behalf of the COMPASS Collaboration Study of nucleon spin structure at COMPASS-II

    Nucleon spin and orbital structure 20 years later
    Spin Structure of Nucleon and Equivalence Principle

  51. 3D structure of hadrons by generalized distribution amplitudes and gravitational form factors S. Kumano∗a,b, Qin-Tao Songa, Understanding of three-dimensional (3D) structure functions for the nucleon is one of hot topics in hadron physics. One of the major purposes of their studies is to understand the origin of nucleon spin including partonic orbital-angular-momentum contributions

    Spin Structure of the Nucleon COMPASS
    Gravitational form factors and nucleon spin structure
    arXivhep-ph/0203276v1 29 Mar 2002 CiteSeerX

  52. one has to study nucleon gravitational form factors. These functions, which arise in the nucleon These functions, which arise in the nucleon 1 For a gauge particle the decomposition of its angular momentum into its spin and orbital components is

    Nucleon Structure on a Lattice National Energy Research

  53. Fundamental Structure of Matter and Strong Interaction Jian-ping Chen (陈剑平), Jefferson Lab, Virginia, USA Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, November, 2011

    (PDF) Gravitational Form Factors in the Axial Sector from

  54. DOI 10.1140/epja/i2015-15079-x Review Eur. Phys. J. A (2015) 51:79 THE EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A The structure of the nucleon: Elastic electromagnetic form factors

    Gravitational form factor of the pion IJS
    (PDF) Spin Structure of Nucleon and Equivalence Principle

  55. We calculate the stress tensor, or energy-momentum tensor, form factors of the pion and of axial vector mesons in the chiral limit of a hard wall AdS/CFT model of QCD.

    3D structure of hadrons by generalized distribution
    Chiral structure of nucleon gravitational form factors
    Spin Structure of Nucleon and Equivalence Principle

  56. EM Nucleon Form Factors • They are the basic observables that contain important information about the electromagnetic structure of the proton and the neutron in the non-perturbative

    Gravitational form factor of the pion IJS
    Exploring nucleon spin structure through neutrino neutral

  57. q ≡ (ω,”q ) e e” k k” θ e N N” p” p Figure 1.2: The scattering diagram in the lab frame for a one-photon exchange reaction. θe is the electron scattering angle and q2 is the 4-momentum transferred to the nucleon.

    Structure of Schrödinger’s Nucleon Elastic Form-Factors
    Nucleon Form FactorsNucleon Form Factors Experimental

  58. 1st QCD Spin Summer School, BNL, June 2004 Nucleon (Spin) Structure from the Lattice Tom Blum University of Connecticut and RIKEN BNL Research Center

    arXivhep-ph/0203276v1 29 Mar 2002 CiteSeerX

  59. INT Program INT-18-3 Week 1: GPDs, 1–5 October 2018, Seattle, WA “Probing Nucleons and Nuclei in High Energy Collisions” Form factors of the energy-momentum tensor

    Probing the Internal Structure of the Proton UMD Physics

  60. quark spin in the nucleon rest frame or in the quark model. B.-Q. Ma, J.Phys. G 17 (1991) L53 B.-Q. Ma, Q.-R. Zhang, Z.Phys.C 58 (1993) 479-482. Quark spin sum is not a Lorentz invariant quantity Thus the quark spin sum equals to the proton in the rest frame does not mean that it equals to the proton spin in the infinite momentum frame in the rest frame does not mean that in the infinite

    Form factors of the energy-momentum tensor
    Chiral structure of nucleon gravitational form factors A

  61. 3D structure of hadrons by generalized distribution amplitudes and gravitational form factors S. Kumano∗a,b, Qin-Tao Songa, Understanding of three-dimensional (3D) structure functions for the nucleon is one of hot topics in hadron physics. One of the major purposes of their studies is to understand the origin of nucleon spin including partonic orbital-angular-momentum contributions

    Measurement of the Nucleon Form-Factors

  62. Predicting Proton Axial Form Factors with a Quark-Diquark Model Trevor M. Oxholm December 3, 2016 Abstract A quark-diquark model is used to predict the nucleon Axial Form Factor more accurately

    Nucleon electromagnetic and gravitational form factors
    Scalar‐isoscalar states gravitational form factors and
    Nucleon (Spin) Structure from the Lattice

  63. INT Program INT-18-3 Week 1: GPDs, 1–5 October 2018, Seattle, WA “Probing Nucleons and Nuclei in High Energy Collisions” Form factors of the energy-momentum tensor

    (PDF) Gravitational Form Factors in the Axial Sector from
    The SAMPLE Experiment and Weak Nucleon Structure

  64. Recent fits to nucleon form factor data show that the nucleon core has a Gaussian charge density distribution and peripheral periodicity of declining amplitude whose wavelength approximates the particle’s Compton wavelength.

    Measurement of the Nucleon Form-Factors
    Form factors of the energy-momentum tensor
    Overview of proton neutron and pion form factor measurements

  65. q ≡ (ω,”q ) e e” k k” θ e N N” p” p Figure 1.2: The scattering diagram in the lab frame for a one-photon exchange reaction. θe is the electron scattering angle and q2 is the 4-momentum transferred to the nucleon.

    The deuteron structure and form factors Jefferson Lab

  66. C. Alexandrou (Univ. of Cyprus & Cyprus Inst.) Nucleon axial form factors and structure Durham, April 20th, 2017 4 / 25 Questions we would like to address With simulations at the physical value of the pion mass there is a number of interesting questions we want to

    Fundamental Structure of Matter and Strong Interaction
    The form factors for the two-nucleon stripping process
    (PDF) Spin Structure of Nucleon and Equivalence Principle

  67. The partition of nucleon spin between total angular momenta of quarks and gluons is described by the energy momentum tensor formfactors manifested also in the nucleon scattering by weak classical

    Generalized Parton Distributions and Gravitational Form
    Nucleon Spin Structure at Low Q A Hyperfine View ECT
    The SAMPLE Experiment and Weak Nucleon Structure

  68. We confirm the obtained mass values from an analysis of the pion and nucleon spin‐0 gravitational form factors, recently measured on the lattice. We find that a simple two‐state model suggests a meson nature of f 0 (600), and a glueball nature of f 0 (980), which naturally explains the ratios of various coupling constants.

    Neutron stars and nucleons Are they so different?
    Nucleon spin and orbital structure 20 years later

  69. Gravitational form factors are the matrix elements of the Belinfante energy momentum tensor (EMT) which naturally incorporate the hadron structure and the equivalence principle.

    Generalized Form Factors Generalized Parton Distributions
    Overview of proton neutron and pion form factor measurements

  70. C Nucleon electromagnetic form factors 67 1 A historical introduction Diplon, deuton, deuteron: under di erent names, the nucleus of deuterium, or diplogen, has been the subject of intense studies since its discovery in 1932. As the only two-nucleon bound state, its properties have continuously been viewed as important in nuclear theory as the hydrogen atom is in atomic theory. 1. Yet

    Nucleon Elastic Form Factors Experiments and Data
    Parity-Violating Electron Scattering and Nucleon Structure

  71. Overview of proton, neutron, and pion form factor measurements John Arrington Argonne National Lab QCD Bound States Workshop June 15-19, Argonne National Lab. 2 Nucleon Electromagnetic Form Factors Fundamental properties of the proton and neutron – Contain information on charge, magnetization distributions – Connect to distribution, dynamics of quarks in hadrons Experimental …

    Spin Structure of Nucleon and Equivalence Principle
    Chiral structure of nucleon gravitational form factors A

  72. Front. Phys. 11(5), 111207 (2016) DOI 10.1007/s11467-016-0573-6 REVIEW ARTICLE Gravitational form factors and nucleon spin structure O. V. Teryaev

    Chiral structure of nucleon gravitational form factors A

  73. The aim of the workshop was to bring together a number of specialists in non-perturbative field theory as well as others working in the areas of hadron physics and related fields.

    Probing the Internal Structure of the Proton UMD Physics
    Nucleon Structure on a Lattice National Energy Research

  74. Nucleon mass and spin: What’s the issue? Durr, et al. (2009) What’s mysterious about proton mass? Lattice QCD can explain it. Proton has spin ½ because it’s a fermion.

    Nucleon Form Factor Measurements and Interpretation
    Gravitational form factors and nucleon spin structure

  75. this reason, form factors based on the Skyrme-type potentials are larger in the surface and exterior regions (where p z 0) than, for example, the form factors of Ian0 and Pinkston, as shown in table 1 …

    Chiral structure of nucleon gravitational form factors
    The SAMPLE Experiment and Weak Nucleon Structure
    Physics Program at Jefferson Lab and a Future Electron-Ion

  76. Introduction • Electromagnetic Form Factors contain structure information on the many-body system of quarks and gluons of the nucleon. • When obtained from experiment, they are

    Scalar‐isoscalar states gravitational form factors and
    Nucleon spin and orbital structure 20 years later

  77. DOI 10.1140/epja/i2015-15079-x Review Eur. Phys. J. A (2015) 51:79 THE EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A The structure of the nucleon: Elastic electromagnetic form factors

    (PDF) Gravitational Form Factors in the Axial Sector from
    Chiral structure of nucleon gravitational form factors

  78. We confirm the obtained mass values from an analysis of the pion and nucleon spin‐0 gravitational form factors, recently measured on the lattice. We find that a simple two‐state model suggests a meson nature of f 0 (600), and a glueball nature of f 0 (980), which naturally explains the ratios of various coupling constants.

    Origin of Nuclear Structure In-Medium Changes in Nucleon

  79. Front. Phys. 11(5), 111207 (2016) DOI 10.1007/s11467-016-0573-6 REVIEW ARTICLE Gravitational form factors and nucleon spin structure O. V. Teryaev

    Structure of Schrödinger’s Nucleon Elastic Form-Factors
    Exploring nucleon spin structure through neutrino neutral
    Nucleon spin and orbital structure 20 years later

  80. The aim of the workshop was to bring together a number of specialists in non-perturbative field theory as well as others working in the areas of hadron physics and related fields.

    Overview of proton neutron and pion form factor measurements

  81. Chiral structure of nucleon gravitational form factors A.V. Belitsky, X. Ji Department of Physics University of Maryland at College Park College Park, MD 20742-4111, USA Abstract We study the low momentum behavior of nucleon gravitational form factors in the framework of the heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory. At zero recoil they determine the momentum and spin apportion between nucleon

    The form factors for the two-nucleon stripping process
    Gravitational form factors and nucleon spin structure

  82. At zero recoil they determine the momentum and spin apportion between nucleon constituents. Our result provides an insight into the response of the nucleon’s pion cloud to an external weak gravitational field and establishes a theoretical framework for extrapolation of experimental and lattice data on the nucleon form factors to zero momentum transfer. We also discuss form factors

    Holographic production near threshold and the proton mass

  83. C. Alexandrou (Univ. of Cyprus & Cyprus Inst.) Nucleon axial form factors and structure Durham, April 20th, 2017 4 / 25 Questions we would like to address With simulations at the physical value of the pion mass there is a number of interesting questions we want to

    (PDF) Gravitational Form Factors of Vector Mesons in an
    The SAMPLE Experiment and Weak Nucleon Structure

  84. Nucleon form factors from Nf=2+1+1 twisted mass fermions at the physical point Martha Constantinou Temple University in collaboration with ETM Collaboration:

    Electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon in the chiral
    Overview of proton neutron and pion form factor measurements

  85. We calculate gravitational form factors of vector mesons using a holographic model of QCD. These provide restrictions on the generalized parton distributions of vector mesons, via the sum rules

    The SAMPLE Experiment and Weak Nucleon Structure
    3D structure of hadrons by generalized distribution

  86. Abstract. Nucleon scattering by the classical gravitational field is described by the gravitational (energymomentum tensor) form factors (GFFs), which also control the partition of nucleon spin between the total angular momenta of quarks and gluons.

    Generalized Form Factors Generalized Parton Distributions

  87. Introduction • Electromagnetic Form Factors contain structure information on the many-body system of quarks and gluons of the nucleon. • When obtained from experiment, they are

    Experimental Studies of the Nucleon Spin Structure from
    Spin Structure of the Nucleon COMPASS
    Measurement of the Nucleon Form-Factors

  88. Exploring nucleon spin structure through neutrino neutral-current interactions in MicroBooNE K. Woodru , for the MicroBooNE collaboration New Mexico State University (Dated: February 6, 2017) The net contribution of the strange quark spins to the proton spin, s, can be determined from neutral current elastic neutrino-proton interactions at low momentum transfer combined with data from electron

    The Electric Charge and Magnetization Distribution of the
    Holographic production near threshold and the proton mass

  89. Takahiro Sawada, Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan on behalf of the COMPASS Collaboration Study of nucleon spin structure at COMPASS-II

    Structure of Schrödinger’s Nucleon Elastic Form-Factors

  90. Thus, the eigenfunctions of introduced Hamiltonian application for nucleon structure investigation the are next interesting problem. This paper is devoted for electric and magnetic elastic form-factors …

    Electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon in the chiral

  91. The nucleon (proton and neutron) electromagnetic form factors describe the spatial distributions of electric charge and current inside the nucleon and thus are intimately related to its internal structure; these form factors are among the most basic observables of the nucleon.

    Chiral structure of nucleon gravitational form factors A
    Neutron stars and nucleons Are they so different?

  92. We calculate gravitational form factors of vector mesons using a holographic model of QCD. These provide restrictions on the generalized parton distributions of vector mesons, via the sum rules

    Origin of Nuclear Structure In-Medium Changes in Nucleon
    Nucleon axial form factors and structure

  93. We calculate gravitational form factors of vector mesons using a holographic model of QCD. These provide restrictions on the generalized parton distributions of vector mesons, via the sum rules

    The spin of the proton indico.ihep.ac.cn

  94. PoS(DIS2017)244 3D Structure of Hadrons by GDAs S. Kumano Gell-Mann matrix la. Using the momenta P = p+ p′and ∆ = p′ p, we express the matrix element of the energy momentum tensor in terms of the gravitational form factors Q1 and Q2 as

    (PDF) Spin Structure of Nucleon and Equivalence Principle
    Gravitational form factor of the pion IJS
    Analysis of Nucleon Electromagnetic Form Factors from

  95. and thus are intimately related to its internal structure; these form factors are among the most basic observables of the nucleon. The Fourier transform of EFFs gives the charge and magnetization distributions of nucleon respec-tively. One can obtain the Dirac, F1(Q2) and Pauli, F2(Q2) form factors from the rst moment of spin non-ip H(x;Q2) and spin ip E(x;Q2) GPDs [21]. Gravity plays a major

    The Electromagnetic Form Factors of the Nucleon
    Spin Structure of the Nucleon triumf.info

  96. We calculate gravitational form factors of vector mesons using a holographic model of QCD. These provide restrictions on the generalized parton distributions of vector mesons, via the sum rules

    The structure of the nucleon Hitoshi Murayama
    Origin of Nuclear Structure In-Medium Changes in Nucleon

  97. Measurement of the Nucleon Form-Factors Kent Paschke University of Virginia More (Thursday, session D): • B. Wojtsekhowski, Nucleon Form Factors

    Nucleon axial form factors and structure

  98. Physics Program at Jefferson Lab and a Future Electron-Ion Collider J. P. Chen, Jefferson Lab, Virginia, USA BCVSPIN, Hue, Vietnam, July 26, 2011 Introduction JLab 6 GeV Facility and 12 GeV Upgrade A Future Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) Highlights of JLab 6 GeV Results and 12 GeV Program Form Factors, Spin Structure Transverse Momentum Dependent Structure (TMDs) Generalized …

    Measurement of the Nucleon Form-Factors
    Nucleon spin structure at low Q Hyperfine view Outlook
    Spin Structure of Nucleon and Equivalence Principle

  99. We calculate the stress tensor, or energy-momentum tensor, form factors of the pion and of axial vector mesons in the chiral limit of a hard wall AdS/CFT model of QCD.

    Parity-Violating Electron Scattering and Nucleon Structure
    The deuteron structure and form factors Jefferson Lab
    Form factors of the energy-momentum tensor

  100. The aim of the workshop was to bring together a number of specialists in non-perturbative field theory as well as others working in the areas of hadron physics and related fields.

    Nucleon Form FactorsNucleon Form Factors Experimental

  101. Probing the Internal Structure of the Proton The protons and neutrons are the basic building blocks of atomic nuclei. The internal structure of the nucleons determines their fundamental properties, which in turn directly affect the properties of the nuclei. Understanding how the nucleon is built in terms of underlying quark and gluon degrees of freedom is one of most important and challenging

    Nucleon Elastic Form Factors Experiments and Data
    Probing the Internal Structure of the Proton UMD Physics
    Structure of Schrödinger’s Nucleon Elastic Form-Factors

  102. At zero recoil they determine the momentum and spin apportion between nucleon constituents. Our result provides an insight into the response of the nucleon’s pion cloud to an external weak gravitational field and establishes a theoretical framework for extrapolation of experimental and lattice data on the nucleon form factors to zero momentum transfer. We also discuss form factors

    Experimental Studies of the Nucleon Spin Structure from
    Scalar‐isoscalar states gravitational form factors and

  103. 1st QCD Spin Summer School, BNL, June 2004 Nucleon (Spin) Structure from the Lattice Tom Blum University of Connecticut and RIKEN BNL Research Center

    Experimental Studies of the Nucleon Spin Structure from
    Generalized Form Factors Generalized Parton Distributions
    Nucleon electromagnetic and gravitational form factors

  104. Recent fits to nucleon form factor data show that the nucleon core has a Gaussian charge density distribution and peripheral periodicity of declining amplitude whose wavelength approximates the particle’s Compton wavelength.

    Chiral structure of nucleon gravitational form factors A
    Structure of Schrödinger’s Nucleon Elastic Form-Factors
    Form factors of the energy-momentum tensor

  105. Exploring nucleon spin structure through neutrino neutral-current interactions in MicroBooNE K. Woodru , for the MicroBooNE collaboration New Mexico State University (Dated: February 6, 2017) The net contribution of the strange quark spins to the proton spin, s, can be determined from neutral current elastic neutrino-proton interactions at low momentum transfer combined with data from electron

    Spin Structure of the Nucleon COMPASS

  106. Measurement of the Nucleon Form-Factors Kent Paschke University of Virginia More (Thursday, session D): • B. Wojtsekhowski, Nucleon Form Factors

    Spin Structure of the Nucleon triumf.info
    Neutron stars and nucleons Are they so different?

  107. Generalized Parton Distributions and Gravitational Form Factors in Light cone model Narinder Kumar and Harleen Dahiya Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar Dubna International Advanced School of Theoretical Physics Helmholtz International Summer School August 26, 2014 N Kumar and H Dahiya (Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar …

    Nucleon electromagnetic and gravitational form factors

  108. B. Badelek (Warsaw ) Nucleon Spin Structure INPC 2010 4 / 33 Partonic structure of the nucleon; distribution functions Three twist-twoquark distributions in QCD (after integrating over the quark intrinsic k t )

    Probing the nucleon structure ejc2011.sciencesconf.org
    Form factors of the energy-momentum tensor
    Spin Structure of the Nucleon triumf.info

  109. EM Nucleon Form Factors • They are the basic observables that contain important information about the electromagnetic structure of the proton and the neutron in the non-perturbative

    The Longitudinal Spin Structure of the Nucleon Jefferson Lab
    Nucleon form factors from Nf=2+1+1 twisted mass fermions

  110. Spin Structure of the Nucleon G. K. Mallot CERN/PH 33 rd Meeing of the PAC JINR, Dubna, June 21, 2010 G. Mallot JINR, Dubna, June 21, 2010

    Nucleon axial form factors and structure
    Parity-Violating Electron Scattering and Nucleon Structure
    Nucleon Spin Structure at Low Q A Hyperfine View ECT

  111. Thus, the eigenfunctions of introduced Hamiltonian application for nucleon structure investigation the are next interesting problem. This paper is devoted for electric and magnetic elastic form-factors …

    Scalar‐isoscalar states gravitational form factors and
    Nucleon Form factors Scholarpedia
    Probing the nucleon structure ejc2011.sciencesconf.org

  112. Spin structure functions of the nucleon have been measured for three decades, beginning with the experiments at SLAC [1] and the discovery of the famous “spin puzzle” by the EMC [2]. Several experiments at SLAC, CERN and HERA followed, with the main goal to access

    (PDF) Gravitational Form Factors of Vector Mesons in an

  113. Spin Structure of the Nucleon. Operated by Jefferson Science Associates for the U.S. Department of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 2 Outline • JLab today and future • Elastic Form Factors • Parton Distribution Functions • GPDs • Strangeness in the Nucleon • New Standard Model Test. Operated by Jefferson Science Associates for the U.S. Department of Energy

    light-front quark-diquark model arxiv.org
    The Electric Charge and Magnetization Distribution of the
    Exploring nucleon spin structure through neutrino neutral

  114. and thus are intimately related to its internal structure; these form factors are among the most basic observables of the nucleon. The Fourier transform of EFFs gives the charge and magnetization distributions of nucleon respec-tively. One can obtain the Dirac, F1(Q2) and Pauli, F2(Q2) form factors from the rst moment of spin non-ip H(x;Q2) and spin ip E(x;Q2) GPDs [21]. Gravity plays a major

    Nucleon (Spin) Structure from the Lattice
    3D structure of hadrons by generalized distribution
    Spin Structure of the Nucleon triumf.info

  115. Spin structure functions of the nucleon have been measured for three decades, beginning with the experiments at SLAC [1] and the discovery of the famous “spin puzzle” by the EMC [2]. Several experiments at SLAC, CERN and HERA followed, with the main goal to access

    Experimental Studies of the Nucleon Spin Structure from

  116. C Nucleon electromagnetic form factors 67 1 A historical introduction Diplon, deuton, deuteron: under di erent names, the nucleus of deuterium, or diplogen, has been the subject of intense studies since its discovery in 1932. As the only two-nucleon bound state, its properties have continuously been viewed as important in nuclear theory as the hydrogen atom is in atomic theory. 1. Yet

    Neutron stars and nucleons Are they so different?
    Spin Structure of the Nucleon COMPASS
    The form factors for the two-nucleon stripping process

  117. 09:30–10:15 Nucleon spin structure: Highlights and Workshop goals Marc Vanderhaeghen . 10:15–11:00 Overview of new measurements of electromagnetic form factors, polarizabilities Sebastian Kuhn . and spin structure function functions . 11:00–11:30 . Coffee break. 11:30–12:15 Proton spin structure in the hyperfine splitting of muonic H Carl Carlson

    Structure of Schrödinger’s Nucleon Elastic Form-Factors
    (PDF) Gravitational Form Factors in the Axial Sector from

  118. Form Factors and Structure Functions Yury Kolomensky Physics 226, Fall 2010. Phys226 YGK, Hadronic Structure Running of Coupling Constants Generic property of any field theory: higher order corrections (loops) induce momentum (distance) dependence of coupling constants. This is known as an effect of “vacuum polarization” The magnitude and the direction of the change depends on the type of

    Nucleon Form factors Scholarpedia
    Spin Structure of the Nucleon COMPASS

  119. Probing the Internal Structure of the Proton The protons and neutrons are the basic building blocks of atomic nuclei. The internal structure of the nucleons determines their fundamental properties, which in turn directly affect the properties of the nuclei. Understanding how the nucleon is built in terms of underlying quark and gluon degrees of freedom is one of most important and challenging

    Nucleon Form Factor Measurements and Interpretation

  120. calculations of nucleon form factors will certainly use these new light-quark methods and hopefully get much closer to the physical quark masses. There is also an extensive amount of theoretical work on the general problem of “chiral extrapolation”, i.e. understanding from a chiral

    Generalized Form Factors Generalized Parton Distributions

  121. Chiral structure of nucleon gravitational form factors A.V. Belitsky, X. Ji Department of Physics University of Maryland at College Park College Park, MD 20742-4111, USA Abstract We study the low momentum behavior of nucleon gravitational form factors in the framework of the heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory. At zero recoil they determine the momentum and spin apportion between nucleon

    Chiral structure of nucleon gravitational form factors A

  122. The aim of the workshop was to bring together a number of specialists in non-perturbative field theory as well as others working in the areas of hadron physics and related fields.

    Spin Structure of the Nucleon COMPASS
    Generalized parton distributions of the deuteron in a

  123. We confirm the obtained mass values from an analysis of the pion and nucleon spin‐0 gravitational form factors, recently measured on the lattice. We find that a simple two‐state model suggests a meson nature of f 0 (600), and a glueball nature of f 0 (980), which naturally explains the ratios of various coupling constants.

    The Longitudinal Spin Structure of the Nucleon Jefferson Lab
    The deuteron structure and form factors Jefferson Lab

  124. With a special intention of clarifying the underlying spin contents of the nucleon, we investigate the generalized form factors of the nucleon, which are defined as the nth x moments of the generalized parton distribution functions, within the framework of the chiral quark soliton model.

    (PDF) Spin Structure of Nucleon and Equivalence Principle
    arXivhep-ph/0203276v1 29 Mar 2002 CiteSeerX

  125. We calculate the stress tensor, or energy-momentum tensor, form factors of the pion and of axial vector mesons in the chiral limit of a hard wall AdS/CFT model of QCD.

    light-front quark-diquark model arxiv.org

  126. Parity-Violating Electron Scattering and Nucleon Structure 3 1 INTRODUCTION The study of the parity-nonconserving force between electrons and quarks has

    The Longitudinal Spin Structure of the Nucleon Jefferson Lab

  127. Electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon in the chiral constituent quark model Harleen Dahiya Department of Physics Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar Jefferson Lab, Newport News, Virginia April 11-15, 2011 H Dahiya (NITJ) Electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon DIS 2011 1 / 38. 3 Summary and Conclusions Outline 1 Internal structure of the baryons 2 …

    Nucleon electromagnetic and gravitational form factors
    Nucleon Form factors Scholarpedia

  128. I. INTRODUCTION The space-like electromagnetic form factors of the proton and neutron obtained in electron-nucleon elastic scattering are key measures of the fundamental structure of hadrons.

    Chiral structure of nucleon gravitational form factors
    Nucleon spin and orbital structure 20 years later

  129. Outline 1. Nucleon structure 2. Energy-momentum tensor 3. Mass decompositions 4. 3D distributions in Breit frame 5. Comparison with neutron stars 6.

    (PDF) Gravitational Form Factors in the Axial Sector from
    Nucleon Spin Structure at Low Q A Hyperfine View ECT
    The SAMPLE Experiment and Weak Nucleon Structure

  130. Abstract. Nucleon scattering by the classical gravitational field is described by the gravitational (energy-momentum tensor) form factors (GFFs), which also control the partition of nucleon spin between the total angular momenta of quarks and gluons.

    Spin Structure of the Nucleon triumf.info
    Parity-Violating Electron Scattering and Nucleon Structure
    Nucleon Form factors Scholarpedia

  131. form factors, F1(q2) and F2(q2), are the analogs of F(q2) in the discussion above, and F 1 (0) = F 2 (0) = 1. If the proton were a pointlike Dirac particle like the

    Parity-Violating Electron Scattering and Nucleon Structure

  132. Gravitational Form Factors The most general structure of stress tensor matrix ele- ment for spin- 21 particles can be written in terms of three form factors FIG. 3: The red dashed line is the gravitational form factor p2 , s2 T µν (0) p1 , s1 = u(p2 , s2 ) A(Q)γ (µ pν) (67) from the soft-wall model, while the solid blue line is the corre- sponding form factor from the integral of a GPD

    QCD Downunder 2017 Special Research Centre for the
    Form Factors and Structure Functions

  133. Electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon in the chiral constituent quark model Harleen Dahiya Department of Physics Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar Jefferson Lab, Newport News, Virginia April 11-15, 2011 H Dahiya (NITJ) Electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon DIS 2011 1 / 38. 3 Summary and Conclusions Outline 1 Internal structure of the baryons 2 …

    Form Factors and Structure Functions

  134. At zero recoil they determine the momentum and spin apportion between nucleon constituents. Our result provides an insight into the response of the nucleon’s pion cloud to an external weak gravitational field and establishes a theoretical framework for extrapolation of experimental and lattice data on the nucleon form factors to zero momentum transfer. We also discuss form factors

    Form factors of the energy-momentum tensor

  135. Introduction • Electromagnetic Form Factors contain structure information on the many-body system of quarks and gluons of the nucleon. • When obtained from experiment, they are

    3D structure of hadrons by generalized distribution

  136. of nucleon form factors, low moments of nucleon structure functions and low moments of generalized parton distributions, including flavor and spin dependence” Tuesday, April 29, 2014. Nucleon Structure on a Lattice Large-Scale Computing(NP) Apr 29-30, 2014 Sergey N. Syritsyn Nucleon Structure on a Lattice Project • Gauge field configurations are generated elsewhere (normally BG/Qs), gauge

    Nucleon Form Factor Measurements and Interpretation

  137. Gravitational form factors are the matrix elements of the Belinfante energy momentum tensor (EMT) which naturally incorporate the hadron structure and the equivalence principle.

    Nucleon axial form factors and structure

  138. B. Badelek (Warsaw ) Nucleon Spin Structure INPC 2010 4 / 33 Partonic structure of the nucleon; distribution functions Three twist-twoquark distributions in QCD (after integrating over the quark intrinsic k t )

    The Electric Charge and Magnetization Distribution of the

  139. Exploring nucleon spin structure through neutrino neutral-current interactions in MicroBooNE K. Woodru , for the MicroBooNE collaboration New Mexico State University (Dated: February 6, 2017) The net contribution of the strange quark spins to the proton spin, s, can be determined from neutral current elastic neutrino-proton interactions at low momentum transfer combined with data from electron

    Holographic production near threshold and the proton mass
    Fundamental Structure of Matter and Strong Interaction
    Origin of Nuclear Structure In-Medium Changes in Nucleon

  140. Front. Phys. 11(5), 111207 (2016) DOI 10.1007/s11467-016-0573-6 REVIEW ARTICLE Gravitational form factors and nucleon spin structure O. V. Teryaev

    Experimental Studies of the Nucleon Spin Structure from
    Form Factors and Structure Functions
    Physics Program at Jefferson Lab and a Future Electron-Ion

  141. Nucleon form factors from Nf=2+1+1 twisted mass fermions at the physical point Martha Constantinou Temple University in collaboration with ETM Collaboration:

    Spin Structure of Nucleon and Equivalence Principle

  142. TRANSVERSE SPIN STRUCTURE OF BARYONS USING LATTICE QCD Jacob Bickerton Collaborators: James Zanotti, Ross Young QCD Down Under 2017 1. CONTENT • Motivation • Spin Density • Solving Three-point functions • Form Factors • Flavour Symmetry Breaking Expansion 2. MOTIVATION • To look at the internal structure of baryons and view the positional density of the quarks depending on the spin

    The Longitudinal Spin Structure of the Nucleon Jefferson Lab
    Nucleon Elastic Form Factors Experiments and Data
    Spin Structure of Nucleon and Equivalence Principle

  143. Chiral structure of nucleon gravitational form factors A.V. Belitsky, X. Ji Department of Physics University of Maryland at College Park College Park, MD 20742-4111, USA Abstract We study the low momentum behavior of nucleon gravitational form factors in the framework of the heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory. At zero recoil they determine the momentum and spin apportion between nucleon

    Nucleon Spin Structure at Low Q A Hyperfine View ECT

  144. Probing the Internal Structure of the Proton The protons and neutrons are the basic building blocks of atomic nuclei. The internal structure of the nucleons determines their fundamental properties, which in turn directly affect the properties of the nuclei. Understanding how the nucleon is built in terms of underlying quark and gluon degrees of freedom is one of most important and challenging

    Generalized parton distributions of the deuteron in a
    Spin Structure of Nucleon and Equivalence Principle

  145. Chiral structure of nucleon gravitational form factors A.V. Belitsky, X. Ji Department of Physics University of Maryland at College Park College Park, MD 20742-4111, USA Abstract We study the low momentum behavior of nucleon gravitational form factors in the framework of the heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory. At zero recoil they determine the momentum and spin apportion between nucleon

    Generalized Form Factors Generalized Parton Distributions
    The Electromagnetic Form Factors of the Nucleon

  146. and thus are intimately related to its internal structure; these form factors are among the most basic observables of the nucleon. The Fourier transform of EFFs gives the charge and magnetization distributions of nucleon respec-tively. One can obtain the Dirac, F1(Q2) and Pauli, F2(Q2) form factors from the rst moment of spin non-ip H(x;Q2) and spin ip E(x;Q2) GPDs [21]. Gravity plays a major

    The Electric Charge and Magnetization Distribution of the
    Physics Program at Jefferson Lab and a Future Electron-Ion
    QCD Downunder 2017 Special Research Centre for the

  147. At zero recoil they determine the momentum and spin apportion between nucleon constituents. Our result provides an insight into the response of the nucleon’s pion cloud to an external weak gravitational field and establishes a theoretical framework for extrapolation of experimental and lattice data on the nucleon form factors to zero momentum transfer. We also discuss form factors

    (PDF) Gravitational Form Factors in the Axial Sector from

  148. Spin Structure of the Nucleon G. K. Mallot CERN/PH 33 rd Meeing of the PAC JINR, Dubna, June 21, 2010 G. Mallot JINR, Dubna, June 21, 2010

    Spin Structure of Nucleon and Equivalence Principle

  149. TRANSVERSE SPIN STRUCTURE OF BARYONS USING LATTICE QCD Jacob Bickerton Collaborators: James Zanotti, Ross Young QCD Down Under 2017 1. CONTENT • Motivation • Spin Density • Solving Three-point functions • Form Factors • Flavour Symmetry Breaking Expansion 2. MOTIVATION • To look at the internal structure of baryons and view the positional density of the quarks depending on the spin

    The SAMPLE Experiment and Weak Nucleon Structure

  150. Gravitational form factors are the matrix elements of the Belinfante energy momentum tensor (EMT) which naturally incorporate the hadron structure and the equivalence principle.

    Nucleon form factors from Nf=2+1+1 twisted mass fermions

  151. Thus, the eigenfunctions of introduced Hamiltonian application for nucleon structure investigation the are next interesting problem. This paper is devoted for electric and magnetic elastic form-factors …

    The Longitudinal Spin Structure of the Nucleon Jefferson Lab
    Fundamental Structure of Matter and Strong Interaction

  152. – Form Factors (Q2) => Consolidation and Exploration at higher Q2 – Nucleon radius (from Q 2 0) => High Precision, but also need of Consolidation in lab.

    Chiral structure of nucleon gravitational form factors A
    Holographic production near threshold and the proton mass

  153. I. INTRODUCTION The space-like electromagnetic form factors of the proton and neutron obtained in electron-nucleon elastic scattering are key measures of the fundamental structure of hadrons.

    3D structure of hadrons by generalized distribution

  154. Page 3 The Issues • What lies at the heart of nuclear structure? • Start from a QCD-inspired model of hadron structure • Ask how that structure is modified in-medium

    Origin of Nuclear Structure In-Medium Changes in Nucleon

  155. Form Factors and Structure Functions Yury Kolomensky Physics 226, Fall 2010. Phys226 YGK, Hadronic Structure Running of Coupling Constants Generic property of any field theory: higher order corrections (loops) induce momentum (distance) dependence of coupling constants. This is known as an effect of “vacuum polarization” The magnitude and the direction of the change depends on the type of

    Nucleon Form FactorsNucleon Form Factors Experimental
    Analysis of Nucleon Electromagnetic Form Factors from

  156. 09:30–10:15 Nucleon spin structure: Highlights and Workshop goals Marc Vanderhaeghen . 10:15–11:00 Overview of new measurements of electromagnetic form factors, polarizabilities Sebastian Kuhn . and spin structure function functions . 11:00–11:30 . Coffee break. 11:30–12:15 Proton spin structure in the hyperfine splitting of muonic H Carl Carlson

    Nucleon Form Factor Measurements and Interpretation
    (PDF) Gravitational Form Factors in the Axial Sector from
    (PDF) Gravitational Form Factors of Vector Mesons in an

  157. PoS(DIS2017)244 3D Structure of Hadrons by GDAs S. Kumano Gell-Mann matrix la. Using the momenta P = p+ p′and ∆ = p′ p, we express the matrix element of the energy momentum tensor in terms of the gravitational form factors Q1 and Q2 as

    The spin of the proton indico.ihep.ac.cn
    Neutron stars and nucleons Are they so different?
    Probing the Internal Structure of the Proton UMD Physics

  158. DOI 10.1140/epja/i2015-15079-x Review Eur. Phys. J. A (2015) 51:79 THE EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A The structure of the nucleon: Elastic electromagnetic form factors

    Exploring nucleon spin structure through neutrino neutral

  159. Measurement of the Nucleon Form-Factors Kent Paschke University of Virginia More (Thursday, session D): • B. Wojtsekhowski, Nucleon Form Factors

    (PDF) Gravitational Form Factors of Vector Mesons in an
    Parity-Violating Electron Scattering and Nucleon Structure
    Nucleon spin and orbital structure 20 years later

  160. Gravitational form factors are the matrix elements of the Belinfante energy momentum tensor (EMT) which naturally incorporate the hadron structure and the equivalence principle.

    Overview of proton neutron and pion form factor measurements
    Electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon in the chiral

  161. The aim of the workshop was to bring together a number of specialists in non-perturbative field theory as well as others working in the areas of hadron physics and related fields.

    Nucleon Elastic Form Factors Experiments and Data

  162. Chiral structure of nucleon gravitational form factors A.V. Belitsky, X. Ji Department of Physics University of Maryland at College Park College Park, MD 20742-4111, USA Abstract We study the low momentum behavior of nucleon gravitational form factors in the framework of the heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory. At zero recoil they determine the momentum and spin apportion between nucleon

    Measurement of the Nucleon Form-Factors

  163. We calculate the stress tensor, or energy-momentum tensor, form factors of the pion and of axial vector mesons in the chiral limit of a hard wall AdS/CFT model of QCD.

    Generalized Form Factors Generalized Parton Distributions

  164. Nucleon form factors from Nf=2+1+1 twisted mass fermions at the physical point Martha Constantinou Temple University in collaboration with ETM Collaboration:

    The form factors for the two-nucleon stripping process

  165. The nucleon (proton and neutron) electromagnetic form factors describe the spatial distributions of electric charge and current inside the nucleon and thus are intimately related to its internal structure; these form factors are among the most basic observables of the nucleon.

    Nucleon Form factors Scholarpedia
    Predicting Proton Axial Form Factors with a Quark-Diquark
    The structure of the nucleon Hitoshi Murayama

  166. Electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon in the chiral constituent quark model Harleen Dahiya Department of Physics Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar Jefferson Lab, Newport News, Virginia April 11-15, 2011 H Dahiya (NITJ) Electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon DIS 2011 1 / 38. 3 Summary and Conclusions Outline 1 Internal structure of the baryons 2 …

    Nucleon Form FactorsNucleon Form Factors Experimental
    Nucleon Elastic Form Factors Experiments and Data

  167. 3D structure of hadrons by generalized distribution amplitudes and gravitational form factors S. Kumano∗a,b, Qin-Tao Songa, Understanding of three-dimensional (3D) structure functions for the nucleon is one of hot topics in hadron physics. One of the major purposes of their studies is to understand the origin of nucleon spin including partonic orbital-angular-momentum contributions

    arXivhep-ph/0203276v1 29 Mar 2002 CiteSeerX
    Nucleon spin and orbital structure 20 years later

  168. Nucleon Elastic Form Factors … Fundamental quantities Defined in context of singleDefined in context of single-photon exchangephoton exchange

    The SAMPLE Experiment and Weak Nucleon Structure
    Chiral structure of nucleon gravitational form factors A
    Physics Program at Jefferson Lab and a Future Electron-Ion

  169. The partition of nucleon spin between total angular momenta of quarks and gluons is described by the energy momentum tensor formfactors manifested also in the nucleon scattering by weak classical

    Nucleon electromagnetic and gravitational form factors

  170. Spin Structure of the Nucleon. Operated by Jefferson Science Associates for the U.S. Department of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 2 Outline • JLab today and future • Elastic Form Factors • Parton Distribution Functions • GPDs • Strangeness in the Nucleon • New Standard Model Test. Operated by Jefferson Science Associates for the U.S. Department of Energy

    Nucleon Form Factor Measurements and Interpretation
    Form Factors and Structure Functions

  171. Thus, the eigenfunctions of introduced Hamiltonian application for nucleon structure investigation the are next interesting problem. This paper is devoted for electric and magnetic elastic form-factors …

    Nucleon Structure on a Lattice National Energy Research
    The structure of the nucleon Hitoshi Murayama

  172. The nucleon (proton and neutron) electromagnetic form factors describe the spatial distributions of electric charge and current inside the nucleon and thus are intimately related to its internal structure; these form factors are among the most basic observables of the nucleon.

    Study of nucleon spin structure at COMPASS-II
    QCD Downunder 2017 Special Research Centre for the

  173. DOI 10.1140/epja/i2015-15079-x Review Eur. Phys. J. A (2015) 51:79 THE EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A The structure of the nucleon: Elastic electromagnetic form factors

    (PDF) Gravitational Form Factors of Vector Mesons in an

  174. Introduction • Electromagnetic Form Factors contain structure information on the many-body system of quarks and gluons of the nucleon. • When obtained from experiment, they are

    The Longitudinal Spin Structure of the Nucleon Jefferson Lab
    Nucleon Elastic Form Factors Experiments and Data
    The SAMPLE Experiment and Weak Nucleon Structure

  175. EM Nucleon Form Factors • They are the basic observables that contain important information about the electromagnetic structure of the proton and the neutron in the non-perturbative

    Chiral structure of nucleon gravitational form factors A
    Nucleon spin structure at low Q Hyperfine view Outlook

  176. At zero recoil they determine the momentum and spin apportion between nucleon constituents. Our result provides an insight into the response of the nucleon’s pion cloud to an external weak gravitational field and establishes a theoretical framework for extrapolation of experimental and lattice data on the nucleon form factors to zero momentum transfer. We also discuss form factors

    Nucleon Form FactorsNucleon Form Factors Experimental

  177. Page 3 The Issues • What lies at the heart of nuclear structure? • Start from a QCD-inspired model of hadron structure • Ask how that structure is modified in-medium

    Neutron stars and nucleons Are they so different?
    CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION AND THEORY 1.1 Introduction 1.1.1

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